Diglossia and Power (Language, Power, and Social Process): Language Policies And Practice In The 19Th Century Habsburg Empire (Language, Power and Social Process [LPSP], Band 9)


von Rosita Rindler Schjerve


EAN=ISBN-13: 978-3-11-017654-4

ISBN-10: 3-11-017654-8

De Gruyter Mouton · 2003

Siehe auch:
2008Gebundene AusgabeDiglossia and Power: Language Policies and Practice in the 19th Century Habsburg Empire (Language, Power and Social Process [LPSP], Band 9)
2003Gebundene AusgabeDiglossia and Power: Language Policies and Practice in the 19th Century Habsburg Empire (Language, Power and Social Process [LPSP], Band 9)