Imagines Antiquitatis: Representations, Concepts, Receptions of the Past in Roman Antiquity and the Early Italian Renaissance (Philologus. Supplemente / Philologus. Supplementary Volumes, Band 7)


von: Stefano Rocchi · Cecilia Mussini


ISBN-13: 978-3-11-051780-4

ISBN-10: 3-11-051780-9

De Gruyter · 2017

Siehe auch:
2017DigitalImagines Antiquitatis: Representations, Concepts, Receptions of the Past in Roman Antiquity and the Early Italian Renaissance (Philologus. Supplemente ... Supplementary Volumes) (Italian Edition)
2017Gebundene AusgabeImagines Antiquitatis: Representations, Concepts, Receptions of the Past in Roman Antiquity and the Early Italian Renaissance (Philologus. Supplemente / Philologus. Supplementary Volumes)