Contracts in English: An introductory guide to understanding, using and developing 'Anglo-American' style contracts


von Stuart G. Bugg


EAN=ISBN-13: 978-3-406-68762-4

ISBN-10: 3-406-68762-8

C.H.Beck · 2016

S. auch:
2013Gebundene AusgabeContracts in English: an introductory guide to understanding, using and developing 'Anglo-American' style contracts
2013Gebundene AusgabeContracts in English: an introductory guide to understanding, using and developing 'Anglo-American' style contracts
2010Gebundene AusgabeContracts in English: an introductory guide to understanding, using and developing 'Anglo-American' style contracts
2010Gebundene AusgabeContracts in English: an introductory guide to understanding, using and developing 'Anglo-American' style contracts