Algorithms in Real Algebraic Geometry

von: Saugata Basu · Richard Pollack · Marie-Françoise Coste-Roy


ISBN-13: 978-3-540-28020-0

ISBN-10: 3-540-28020-0

Springer, Berlin · Oktober 2020

S. auch:
2013TaschenbuchAlgorithms in Real Algebraic Geometry (Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics)
2010TaschenbuchAlgorithms in Real Algebraic Geometry: Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics Vol. 10
2006Gebundene AusgabeAlgorithms in Real Algebraic Geometry (Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics, Band 10)
2003Gebundene AusgabeAlgorithms in Real Algebraic Geometry (Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics (10), Band 10)