Squash (Rahmentrainingskonzeption für Kinder und Jugendliche im Leistungssport)


von: LandesSportBund NRW · Ulrich Meseck · Manfred Herwig · Lars Schweinitz


EAN=ISBN-13: 978-3-7853-1672-6

ISBN-10: 3-7853-1672-0

Limpert · 2003

S. auch (eventuell von anderen Autoren):
2019PaperbackSquash (Polish Edition)
2007PaperbackSquash (Know the Game)
2001PaperbackSquash (The Skills of the Game)
2000PaperbackSquash (Know the Game)
1997PaperbackSquash (Know the Sport)
1996PaperbackSquash (The Skills of the Game)
1991PaperbackSquash (Crowood Sports Guides)
1987PaperbackSquash (The Skills of the Game)
 BrochéLe squash